Everyday, I attempt to balance aspects of my life, juggle my various roles and find common ground amidst conflicting perspectives. There are so many counter points in my life, and those of my friends: being a boss alongside supporting colleagues; offering leadership and vision whilst being conscious of the risk of being considered arrogant and competitive; being a caring mum, a hard working professional and a passionate lover; being great craic but also having depth, gravitas, insight. I hate that other people’s views of me matter, but they do. I like being liked. I have finite time, energy and capacity: there are times I reach saturation point, and can take no more. That’s a tough place to be.
I am not unique; these issues are not mine alone nor are the emotions, strategies and fall out that go with them. This blog is a space for me to reflect and share and vent about how I stay sane, keep my job, mind my kids, grow my networks, give a nod to my health and well being, support my friends, be an attentive daughter and never forget that I have a whole lot of life still to live. This blog is about my experiences of walking the line.