Advance Planning

Advance Planning

Today is not a particularly important or remarkable day, although Paddy and Ella might suggest otherwise, as it’s our dog’s fourth birthday!  It is also my 49th birthday.  Nothing special there, not much to celebrate.  No big deal.  It does however mean that, one year today, I will be 50, and of course, that is something quite special, and worth marking.  My fortieth birthday celebrations, as some of you will remember, lasted for about six months, so I have a lot to live up to!  Also, I have had some difficult times over the last couple of years, and in the last six months in particular. Throughout that time, as in other periods when I’ve been low and unhappy, I have been incredibly lucky to have an array of freinds, each of whom has  played some part, knowingly or otherwise, in sustaining me, keeping me going, offering me wisdom, making me laugh, letting me cry, or reminding me that things do get better.  For all of that, I am deeply, deeply grateful.

I am determined that my fiftieth year will be one of celebration, recognising the good stuff, letting go of the bad, and reconnecting with people and things which are good for me.  I hope you can be part of that.  At my friend Ali’s suggestion, I hope to do something each month of my fiftieth year, to mark it – something I’ve never done before, or people I haven’t seen in too long; perhaps something nostalgic or simply fun.  I’m open to pretty much anything – provided it doesn’t include heights!   There are already a few ideas in the ether including:

–          Attending my niece’s wedding in Spain;

–          Marking my Mum’s 60th year in London, and

–          Taking the kids to Electric Picnic;

–          Reunions (lots of them!);

–          Zorbing;

–          Going for picnics;

–          Getting a make-over;

–          Glamping;

–          Learning a new language (only joking – life’s far too short);

–          Going somehow I’ve never been before (preferably without an umbrella);

–          Running (or strolling) a mini marathon.

And of course there will be a party! So, if you have ideas, want to join me in any of the above, have additions to suggest, let me know!  If I get to see all of you during the year, to catch up, reminisce and laugh, I will have done really well. Everything else is a bonus. X

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