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Two Left Feet

Feck! Ah Jaysus, feck it.’   I’ve had a disturbed nights’ sleep and wake wondering why I’m dreaming about being in an episode of Fr Ted.  Roughly every 45 minutes throughout the night, Mir prodded my shoulder and stage whispered for me to turn over so my snoring would stop. I...

A Ripping Yarn

We haven’t even checked in for our flight when I realise I’ve left Miriam way behind. Christ, I hope she doesn’t slow me up like this for the next five days. I turn back to see her doubled over.  Typical drama queen, she’s probably going to claim appendicitis or a heart attack....

Grab Life

Grab Life In the first month of my 50th year, I am very proud to inform you (as if you hadn’t heard!) that I started 2015 with the enthusiasm I hope to retain for the next 12, if not beyond! On January 1st, I (and my trusted sidekick Niamh McInerney, aged 13), leapt into the 40 foot!  In fact, we did it...

Advance Planning

Advance Planning Today is not a particularly important or remarkable day, although Paddy and Ella might suggest otherwise, as it’s our dog’s fourth birthday!  It is also my 49th birthday.  Nothing special there, not much to celebrate.  No big deal.  It does however mean that, one year today, I will be...

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