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Cottage in the Woods

It’s not yet daylight when the cockerel starts his clamouring, quickly joined by the local dogs. The donkeys join in shortly after and at six, the church bells start their incessant ringing, seemingly in anticipation of an as yet unseen town invasion. We appear to have settled at Old MacDonalds farm...

Cow Bells

Yesterday has already blurred into a haze of forests and winding roads, picturesque villages and dodgy corners. We only travelled 200 miles but took in views at 2000 metres over sea level, and negotiated some precarious twists and windy roads. Apparently this is biker heaven! The day started with the gentle...

Biker Chick

The heat inside the warehouse is intense, and the dust immediately gets in our eyes and tickles our throat. Around a dozen others are already here, in various stages of getting themselves and their bikes ready for whatever adventures lie ahead. We’ve all travelled from Ireland to Germany, enjoying the...

Oh Vienna!

For the avoidance of doubt, Vienna is NOT in Italy. Nor is it famed for gondolas, cornetto ice creams or coloured glass. That’s Venice. An entirely different city! No, I’ve arrived in Vienna, Austria, home of the dancing horses (no thanks); permanent Ferris wheel (absolutely not), Mozart and...

Shelter for the Bewildered

‘This place is like a community centre’ says Anna, her london accent chiming against the Dublin voices of the other teenagers gathering around the table. ‘It’s a shelter’ suggests Rachel.  ‘A shelter for the homeless.’ ‘For orphans!’ adds Anna....

The Choices We Make

I’ve never been on an all inclusive holiday before. It never appealed to me really. Still doesn’t. Yet here I am, a third of the way through just that: all inclusive hell on Kos. After several years of the kids suffering my holiday choices (chic little gites in France, seaside villas in remote...

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