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I have a new friend

I have a new friend. Her name is Lynne, and we met on the internet. Ok, so it’s not how I imagined it would be. Of course I’d have preferred if we had met in less contrived circumstances; if we’d clicked chatting in a coffee queue, or bumping into each other at work meetings. Or even...

Balanced Strategies.

You’d have to wonder why it takes a photo of a dead child for us to take an urgent situation seriously.  The focus and attention on the growing number of Syrian refugees is to be welcomed, although I am not sure the attention is going on the real issues here, which actually aren’t about where and how to...

It’s in the blood

My hands are clenched so tight I can feel the nails digging into my sweaty palms. My shoulders are tight and hunched with tension despite the hairs standing on the back of my neck, and my t shirt is stuck to my back.  My throat is dry and sore and my forehead is taut but my heart is pounding with...


Teenagers can be hard work.   I know that’s a ridiculous understatement. It’s like saying the Irish weather is unpredictable, and expecting a clap on the back for such insight.  Having spent a number of years working with teenagers, I should know this better than some, but in the recesses of my mind, I...

Post Match Analysis

A caterer friend of mine told me some time ago that at informal gatherings, you can assume that a third of people won’t show.  ‘A third?’ I guffawed!  Not my friends!  I mean, going by the invitation list to my highly exclusive and incredibly intimate party to celebrate my 50th, that would equate to 40...


Nostalgia Lunchtime in CDI was a nostalgic event today. At the end of a busy week, we were only able for the oral equivalent of chick lit and got talking about game shows from our youth. Here are the ones we remembered but feel free to add to them: Blankety blank; celebrity squares; quick silver; call my...

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