Currently Browsing: Bucket List

Dingle Pubs

Dingle seems to have lost much of its charm since I last visited over twenty years ago. The throng of tourists, the number of shops selling Oirish produce, the overpriced food, and the diddly-ay blasting from every pub leaves me feeling somewhat nauseated.  However, two of the pubs on my list are here,...

Keane’s, Maam, Galway. Pub No 4

I used the fact that my daughter was in the Connemara Gaeltacht as an excuse to head west and tick another pub off the list. Yeah, probably a bit of a cheap trick, but I was looking forward to seeing her, and checking she was being adequately fed! It’s called time management, OK? The morning is warm and...


The all-Ireland pub crawl began with a rare visit to Dublin’s north side, when Grainne, Jill and myself headed over to Kavanaghs pub, otherwise known as ‘The Gravediggers’.  Our plan is to visit each of the 15 pubs show cased in RTEs’ documentary ‘The Irish Pub’ by the...


My enthusiasm for new ventures continues beyond my fiftieth year, with the most recent being completing run-a-muck with Mary Corcoran and Ben Hammond.  A mere 5km on relatively flat land, taking in a few ditches and streams; it’ll be great craic we thought, and after all, how hard could it be? Really...

2016 Targets

2015 was a year full of activity and adventure and I confess that long before the year was out, I started worrying about the year ahead, and how to I might maintain the level of excitement, innovation and new experiences throughout 2016.   I think I can say with some confidence that I am one of very...

whats in the bucket?

Some of you will be aware that I have been enjoying a new activity or experience every month of this year, to mark my 50th birthday. I’ve had such a great time and done many of the things on my list – and indeed, a good number that weren’t! Here are the various activities I got to...

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