Grab Life

Grab Life

Grab Life

In the first month of my 50th year, I am very proud to inform you (as if you hadn’t heard!) that I started 2015 with the enthusiasm I hope to retain for the next 12, if not beyond!

On January 1st, I (and my trusted sidekick Niamh McInerney, aged 13), leapt into the 40 foot!  In fact, we did it twice, to facilitate some late arrivers!  We were delighted to have Yvonne (Niamh’s mum), Therese, Jim, Heather, Gwen, Karl, Dioreann, Sara, Ben, and Esme, and of course Paddy, Ella and my Mum, all there to observe, cheer and admire!!  Yes it was freezing, yes we felt brave and courageous, and absolutely yes, I would do it again!  Thanks to all the witnesses for coming along, and especially to Niamh for such courage!

Another first this month was when I managed to overcome my technical limitations, and put film evidence of the jump on face book! Check it out, its pretty impressive! (I haven’t worked out how to attach it to an email so still a way to go I’m afraid!).

A slightly less challenging, but certainly as enjoyable event this month was when my sister and I met some people we used to go to our youth club with, one of whom I hadn’t seen for over 30 years!   I also fed a lamb for the first time!  So, the first month of this, my fiftieth year, began with an appropriately high level of energy, shrieking and goose bumps. Let’s hope that continues, but possibly without the freezing Irish sea!

There are a couple of new challenges in the diary for the mcanal bridge
onths ahead.  Mir and I head to the Camino on April 30th  where we will walk over 100km in 4 days, before chilling in Santiago. Apparently we will also attend mass in the cathedral at the end of The Way, along with the other walkers, which is by all reports an incredibly emotional experience. That will most definitely be another new event!  We hope to meet some friends (old and yet to be found) along the way.

In advance of that trip, myself, Mary and Mir have decided to walk the entire 144km of the Royal Canal, starting in Dublin’s inner city, and ending in Longford (otherwise known as the armpit of Ireland) . We will do relatively civilised sections every Sunday morning, possibly with a coffee stop thrown in, commencing Sunday 8th February, so let us know if you’re interested in joining us!  On a totally different note, myself Paddy and Ella head to New York for half term. A chance conversation led to my sister and one of her daughters, louise, joining us, where we will do all the classic tourist stuff, so we are booked in for Ellis island, (where my maternal grandparents are documented); empire state building; 9/11 museum; and Jackie and I will no doubt find time for an adult cocktail or two.  Any tips or ‘must do’s’ please tell!

My plans for the coming eleven months are evolving unexpectedly, seamlessly and beautifully. I don’t know why I haven’t done this before!

Finally, I am in the process of setting up a website so that I can share photos, comments and thoughts on the year. Some of you (particularly anyone who’s ever worked with me)  will understand what a massive challenge this is, given my somewhat lacking technical skills,  so I am open to all affirmation on this one!  Thanks to everyone who has encouraged, participated and planned with me.  It’s a great excuse to do stuff I’d never get round to doing, and for seeing people I might not otherwise prioritise. Looking forward to the next month of adventures!

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