whats in the bucket?

whats in the bucket?

Some of you will be aware that I have been enjoying a new activity or experience every month of this year, to mark my 50th birthday. I’ve had such a great time and done many of the things on my list – and indeed, a good number that weren’t!

Here are the various activities I got to experience for the first time during 2015:


– jumping in the forty foot

– going to a jazz brunch at Ronnie Scott’s

– attending the Cheltenham literary festival

– glamping

– taking the kids to New York

– climbing Crough Patrick

– walking a llama ( I kid you not)

– setting up my own website

– walking the camino

– feeding a lamb

– blogging

– rowing in Dublin bay

– launching a political campaign

– graduating from UCD

– going away for a weekend of glamour and fun with a group of my bestest women friends

– tree top walking

– abseiling and rafting with the kids

– doing a Belfast black taxi tour

Agroup of us also began (but didn’t quite finsih) walking the full 144 km of the Royal Canal.  Let’s finish that in the year ahead!

And there are still some things on the bucket list which I didn’t get to indulge in, including going to a music festival, attending an international rugby match and running (or at least completing) a marathon.

So now I need your help. With less than two weeks of 2015 left, I’d like to do something special to end the year. We will be in London for the festivities so that needs to be factored in.

I’d appreciate all suggestions but give no guarantees of follow through!

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